Paleo-Plus Dental Healing & Health Diet Recommendations

Great set of choppers... for a pig

We here at DaiaSolgaia have had a great success with a dental problem in our community.  Now 3 year old child Lola (not pictured 😉 ) has healed her dental caries and stopped further cavities and we want to share our process and the products we used to succeed with you.

If you landed here on this page without reading our 2 posts about our experience and the research behind them, here they are:

click here for our experience and recommendations

The “Teeth-Rotting Diet” – It’s What’s For YOUR Lunch


To Hell With Bastardly Dentists:

Dental Healing with Paleo/Primal Diet Plus

by Ravi

Many of us are conceptually incarcerated by decades of  indoctrination to modern dentistry’s revival-tent calls to sit in the dentist chair and “be healed” (and forfeit big bucks doing so).  Dental “care”, dental products and dentifrices are a huge, 100’s of millions of dollars a year business. We’ve been led to believe – like in so many other areas of our lives, that we need holy professionals, in this case the “dental care priests” to pray over us with their high-speed drills in order to keep our teeth past childhood.

It seems inconceivable to learn that, in fact,


learn how to NEVER sit in a dentist chair again – and still have great teeth!

Herbs to Love: SAGE Smudging, a Ritual for Cleansing Body & Spirit

I come from a catholic background – a fairly open minded one (which, in a way, is not saying much) but a catholic one. I have never been part of the catholic church as an adult (although I went through the childhood rituals), I clearly knew when I was 18 that this was not mine and opted to get out – because where I come from in Europe you are catholic by birth, if your parents are catholic, there never really is a choice, you have to actively “leave” a system that you have never joined on your own accord.

Understanding how much evil that the catholic system has spread through the centuries now only confirms what I felt then already. There is no space for this kind of power-mongering religious domination on this planet anymore. We are now responsible for our own understanding of the visible and invisible worlds that we move through. Nobody has a right to tell us what is right to believe (especially not a creepy pope).

Nonetheless, my spiritual mindset is a christian one, when I talk about angels, I call them “angels” and not devas. But same same (as the Thai people like to say).

more sweet scented words follow here

Healing Tooth Decay: Cod Liver Oil/Butter, Xylitol, Spry Gel & Tooth Powder

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Tooth Decay in 2 year old? But we eat so healthy! ….. or do we?

About one year ago I was shocked to find tooth decay on the front teeth of my daughter. We did not realized how soft tooth enamel is in little children baby teeth and how quickly it can be destroyed. Our research online showed us that other parents have successfully stopped tooth decay in their children’s teeth by radically changing their diet. We were puzzled – what could we do better? Yes, tell me what you did!