Buckets o’Veg, Towers o’Toms, Container Growing Anywhere*

by Jack

* almost anywhere where there is good sun, sufficient water, quality soil, a bit of attentive care and some love…

2011 spring is edging up fast – this year – are you going to grow something really good and productive? or just the same old miserable and pathetic droopy tomato plants?

Close your eyes and imagine all those big juicy tomatoes on your deck or in your yard – it’s mid-summer, warm breeze and sunny and you’ve got eggplant, and sweet cukes, crispy lettuce and ripe green zucchini  – mmmmmm!

OK, snap out of it and listen up – Here’s some tips on container gardening that you may or may not get on any of the other multitude of container gardening tutorials that will be lots more complete than I’ll ever have the patience to write.

read here to grow the best organic container veggies